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Now downloading free:Keithley 710A(Model710 252C711)

Keithley 710A(Model710 252C711) free download

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INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODEL 710, 711 MILLIVOLT DISCRIMINATOR MODEL 710/7ll COltTEnTs TABLEOF coNTm SECTION INT~WCTION . . ..*...*...*.*...*...*... I SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~...#. .. II ,...,...*..,..,*.*.,...,... DESCRIFTIO~ III OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*...*... .. IV MAINTENANCE.,...,..*...,...,...*...,,... V Voltage Chart Schematic D1aSr.m Replaceable Parts List i MODEL 710/711 INTROLWCTION SECTIONI - IN'J!ROIlJCTION A. Models 710 and 7ll MilUvolt Discriminators These Millivolt Discriminatorn are extremely stable, light- modulator clc amplifiers operating a thyratron tube end reley. They are identical except for the method of the trip level adjustmenta. Trip level of the 710 and 7l.l is variable from 0.2 to 10 milli- volts. The range may be extended to 1000 volts with au internal resistive divider, or to lo- ampere with a current shunt. Ad- justment of the 710 is made with an external reference aad po- tentiometer located behind the front panel. The 711 is adjusted by means of a calibrated dial in the front panel. Dial setting is accurate within 2200 uv . The instnuncnts may be made either locking or non-locking. They are chatter-free on non-locking and locking operation; modification for locking action is easily made by adding a nor- mally open switch. Long term repeatability of the 710 and 711 is better than 200 micmvoltn, and the speed of response is between k~ end 60 milliseconds with a signal 5% larger than the trip level. Standard units are wired to trip for signals exceeding the trip point and are fail-safe in that failure of any component cause6 the alarm condition. On units wired to trip for a signal that decreases below the trip point, the unit is not fail-safe if a loss of reference signal occurs. Careful shielding, filtering, and guarding permit floating oper- atlon up to 500 volts above ground, with excellent rejection to extraneous voltages. Input and output terminals are isolated from each other and from ground. Inmmnity to vibration and indefinite life under rigorous envimn- mental conditions are assured by the use of premium subminiature tubes and a Keithley designed photo-reeistive modulator having no mating parts. Permissable overload is greater

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